Table of contents
What is Markdown & How It Can Help You Write Faster?...?
Markdown is a way of writing rich-text (formatted text) content using plain text formatting syntax. From this post, you’ll learn all the Markdown’s major commands that will help you create an awesome GitHub README. I’ll talk about the most commonly used markdown topics.
Let's get jump into markdown to know how it works .
1. Headings
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
for writing headings in markdown we use "#" sign and followed by space and heading.
Now, let’s see how it looks on GitHub.
2. Text styles(Bold & Italic)
/* Bold text*/
**This is our bold text**
for bold text we use double asterisk or double underscore (** or __) on both the side of the text with no space.
Now, let’s see how it looks on GitHub.
/* Italictext*/
**This is our Italic text**
for bold text we use single asterisk or single underscore(* or _) on both the side of the text with no space.
Now, let’s see how it looks on GitHub.
3. Block quote
/*This is how we write block quote*/
> This our block quote text
for block quote we use greater than sign (>) followed by space and text.
Now, let’s see how it looks on GitHub.
4. Links
- [Codercommunity]( "LCO")
- [iNeuron](
for links we use square brackets[website name] and followed by parenthesis(URL) text.
Now, let’s see how it looks on GitHub.
5. Images
We can add images using the similar techniques we used for links but only difference is that we add exclamation mark(!) before square brackets[website name] and parenthesis(URL) .
6. Code snippets
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
We can also use triple back ticks ``` before and after the code block to create the code snippets.
7. Lists (ordered and unordered lists)
ordered lists
/*creating ordered list*/
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
To create an ordered list, we can use number and dot sign followed by space and list text.
Now, let’s see how it looks on GitHub.
how nested ordered lists looks
/*nested ordered lists*/
1. Main List
1. Sub List
1. End List
2. Second List
1. Last List
Now, let’s see how it looks on GitHub.
unordered lists
/* asterisk */
* One
* Two
* Three
/* plus*/
+ One
+ Two
+ Three
/* minus*/
- One
- Two
- Three
To create an unordered list, we can use asterisk(*), plus(+), or minus(-) sign.
Now let’s create an unordered list with sub-items.
/*nested unordered lists*/
- First level
- Second level
- Third level
- Fourth level
- First level
- Second level
- First level
- Second level
Now, let’s see how it looks on GitHub.